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Overwrite a file on Box with out creating a new version

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4 commentaires

  • dandennhardt

    Hi  - There is no concept of a non-versioned file replacement in Box. All files in Box are assigned a unique file id, and when you replace them, the file id stays the same, but a new version id is created.


    If you wish to 'replace' a file without preserving the history, I think you have two options:

    1. Delete the file and upload a new one (note that the file id will change)

    2. Upload the new file and remove past versions - https://developer.box.com/reference/delete-files-id-versions-id/


    I am not sure if either of these satisfies your use case. Can you please elaborate why you wish to replace a file without preserving versions?

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  • iancrew

    I’d also point out that if Box was to provide a way to overwrite a file without creating a new version, that’d be a pretty big gift to the ransomware writers of the world...

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  • badribax

    Thanks for the response and it helps.

    However, what is the difference between overwrite vs upload & remove previous versions for a ransomware.


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  • iancrew

    Box support can recover files for a small window of time even after they’ve been deleted. Presumably the sane would be true for old file versions.

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