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2 commentaires

  • Nayak

    Hi , As you cannot fetch only inactive users from Box, you need to fetch all users and then filter the results something like:

    users = client.users(user_type='managed')
    for user in users:
      if user.status == 'inactive':
        print('User Login: {1}'.format(user.login))

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  • KobiVaknin
    So the request should be like this?
    from boxsdk import JWTAuth
    import requests
    import json
    from boxsdk import Client
    config = JWTAuth.from_settings_file("<file_path>\\config.json")
    client = Client(config)
    users = client.users(user_type='managed')
    for user in users:
      if user.status == 'inactive':
        print('User Login: {1}'.format(user.login))
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