Where is the dats located, when I access BOS@IBM out of Germany
I am in Germany and my Customer is in Germany. My Customer is form German Government. And it is not allowed to store any data outside Europe. I would like to know where the data is stored, when I use BOX@IBM out of Germany?
Hello Brent, it is not account specific and I first asked the IBM people, but they routed me to you. In generell..when I access the BOX@IBM out of Germany and store data. Where ist the data stored? Thats all i want to know? Are the server in US, Europe or AP?
warm regards Juergen
Hello Juergen - I understand you are looking for information pertaining to the storage location of your data. Again, this is an account-specific question. The IBM Team that oversees the support of Box would be your best point of engagement. I'll make sure that this question is relayed to that group so that they might engage you directly.
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