PPTX with animation and audio not working as expected
We have ppt where animation and backgournd music is added, this works well (in the sense, the animation and audio during playback) in microsoft one drive without downloading. However when same ppt is uploaded in BOX, we are neither able to hear the background audio nor the animation. Can you please help me understand why the slide is played without animation and audio which is added in the pptx?
Hey there,
Are you primarily working in the main box.com website, or are you uploading and viewing powerpoints through a custom API integration? This is specifically the platform and development forum, so I want to make sure you'll get the right kind of answer.
In a general sense, what you see when a file is previewed on Box is a flattened "representation" of the file. Speaking from a developer's point of view, here's more information about what kind of representations Box generates for your files:
For a richer experience in the main box.com website, there is an integration with office online:
Hope that helps!
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