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Netsuite account is not linked to your Box instance

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6 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Steven, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for your post in the forum!
    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information. 
    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. Please check your email for details.

    Thanks for your patience!



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  • Steven Oakes

    Thank You France.

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  • Ashley Deatrich

    Steven - did you even get this resolved?  Im having the same issue - the directions have to be missing information on the netsuite integration - and box support and these community article are ZERO help!

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  • Steven Oakes


    Here's how I resolved. Go to Customizations >> Lists, Records, and Fields >> Record Types. Locate the Box Account Association List. Open the List and this is where you will assign a Netsuite User Id to a Box User Id. 

    Netsuite User Id = User Internal Id located in the Employee List. You may have to go to User Preferences and check the box "Show Internal Id". This will add the Internal Ids to various lists and searches. Very very useful!

    Next, go to Box, select a user (need Admin Privs) and write down their Box User Id.

    Screenshot of my setup. I customized this and added the Employee Name. That way I could track who has Box connection. The NetSuite User Id was hard to manage and had to go back and forth to the employee list and look up who's Id it was.

    Hope this helps.

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  • James Morris

    This was very helpful but how in Box do you get the Boxer User Id's?  I looked every where. I the user and group section,   user and they only have the name and the  box log in which is email. Noting like the digits noted above.  

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  • Adithya

    Thanks for the instructions Steven!


    @James - Box user id can be found in list of users in the admin console. I'm sure you've found it by now - lol.

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