Box indicator icons and right click options are missing
I’ve been using Box drive in my mac for a while now but suddenly the box icons are missing (The blue cloud icon beside a file or folder and the orange syncing icon. )
Also, I no longer can see any options when I right-click a file or folder which earlier use to display additional Box functionality to copy or email shared links and to view the item on box. I tried updating, uninstalling, re-installing no luck - anyone faced this issue?
Hi Deepika,
Welcome to the Box Community!
If icon overlays and/or the context menu are not visible in Box Drive, please disable/re-enable Box Drive's Finder extension.
To do this, go to System Preferences > Extensions > Finder, then clear and check Box Finder Extension. Or, you can refresh by "force-quitting" Finder and then re-starting it.
Hope that helps!
I have the same issue - however this solution does not solve the issue on my iMac or MacbookPro (both 10.15.7). I am having a much larger issue - which is enormous cache files building up - i infer based on what I have available locally - but since I cannot tell what is or is not local/offline only it is difficult to stop. The bigger issue is why would the cache get so big to fill up my 1TB hard drive? What is the solution?
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