Tagged items not appearing in search
I've added a tag to a specific file, and when I search using that tag as a filter it doesn't show up. What is the purpose of tags if when I search them, they won't appear?
We are looking to put all our photos on box but with the tagging function not working as it should, we might not be able to. We need to be able to search a tag to see results, for example, "landscape" photo. Solutions, please!
Hi Alexis,
Welcome to the Box Community!
Have you checked this article on using the search function in Box: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043696314-Search-for-Files-Folders-and-Content
It can take time between uploading or modifying a file for it to be fully indexed and ready to be searched. In most cases, you can expect newly added or changed files to be available via Box search in 10 minutes. The current service load determines the index time and it may take more than 10 minutes in some cases.
Can you try searching using Tags again and follow the options stated here?: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044195913-Using-Tags#taggingitems
Thanks, France but unfortunately this didn't work. All the settings for tags are enabled and I can easily add them.
Time was not an issue as I checked back over a week's time before submitting the question. At the bottom of the article, it looks like part of the problem may be that I am not the "owner" of the content. It was uploaded to the account years ago, we are trying to organize the files a bit more, so it's weird that only an "owner" can get tags to show up. Something Box should think about changing, especially for business accounts.
Hi Alexis,
If things still don't function as expected, you may open ticket for this issue with our support department so they can help you investigate.
To find the available support channels for your account subscription, please click the “Contact Support” link just above this page.
Thanks again for your patience and please comeback and let us know how it goes with support!
Hi all! The search component has started working for us. It helps when I add the tag as one of the filters for searching so I recommend having a master list to look off of. If it's not working for you, I suggest reaching out. Seems like when I made the comment it suddenly just started working? Maybe it was included in an update. Best of luck all!
I am having the same issues with TAGS. Not searchable one tagged and if I decided to reTAG with a new name it only reads the old name although it is no longer tagged as such. Very problematic!!!! I have thousands of images that are tagged and now it's almost impossible to search for the files I want. HELP!!!!!
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