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"Couldn't save automatically" error

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5 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Ilene, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    This will require our Box Support team to work directly with you to investigate and may require specific account information. 
    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. Please check your email for details.

    Thanks for your patience!

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  • Ilene Weismehl

    France, before opening a ticket, I wanted to ask the Box community of users. I'm wondering if anyone else has received this error message. And, if so, how you were able to resolve it. Thank you. 

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  • grm1

    Gretchen at Carnegie Mellon University here. We had a report of this error from one of our accounts yesterday. It was fine again this morning. Unfortunately, the logs only show successful actions, so it's really hard to track what might have happened...

    OTOH, I wonder if it might not be related to an ongoing Office Online issues -- there's lots of reports of this error over on answers.microsoft.com (No solutions, but lots of reports)


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  • Ilene Weismehl

    Gretchen, thank you for posting. We had more people than usual facing this issue yesterday. And I was also wondering if it was related to microsoft online issues.

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  • Jane Kertis

    Did anybody ever resolve this issue?  we keep getting it in both word online and word.  Please help!  We tried copying and reloading with no luck.  

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