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8 commentaires

  • France

    Hi David, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    If you are using Box Drive, to determine the actual local space that Box Drive takes up, you need to examine the properties of Box's cache folder:

    • Windows: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Box\Box\cache
    • OS X: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Box/Box/cache

    More information can be found in this article: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695894-Technical-Information-for-Box-Drive-Administrators 


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  • David Berninger

    Hi France, how can I see the size of a folder?  I'm running Mac OS.

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    As mentioned, you can determine on the path below on your Mac the actual local space that Box Drive is taking up

    • OS X: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/Box/Box/cache

    I would also recommend checking out this article to learn more about Box Drive cache information: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695894-Technical-Information-for-Box-Drive-Administrators 

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  • David Berninger

    Hi France, understood on that point.  How can I see how much a particular folder is taking up? i.e. Not Box Drive in its entirety.

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  • Terren Baker

    I'm looking for the same information - I can see how much storage I've used on Box in total under my settings - but I want to know what size an individual folder on Box is. I'm not looking for how much space the App takes up on my computer.

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  • David Berninger

    Hi France, is seeing folder size something Box Drive is still not capable of?

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  • Box User

    I think with most of these cloud storage solutions it's not in their best interest to allow you to see the size of a given folder. That would allow you to look for folders  taking up a lot of your storage and downsize them, delete them, etc. This is less desirable than having you just upgrade your account to allow more storage!

    Competitors are all like this too. In fact, I think Box was one of the few that would let you see the folder size, but you know - now they have public shareholders and quarterly consensus earnings forecasts to beat!

    Sorry - I'm just cynical ;)

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  • Sara Bayley

    Same question!

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