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6 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    At present, you won't be able to change where Box Drive stores its app data or cached files. 

    This idea has been shared to our Product Team in Box Pulse -our feedback site: Box Drive: Change cache location  

    The suggestion is currently 'Under consideration' but you may also add your vote and share your use case on the comment section.

    Our product managers review these requests and take them into consideration for future product development.
    Thanks for your participation in the Community!
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  • Oliver Roth

    I have the same issue but can't find a solution. Can your support center please contact me? thanks.  

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  • Minh Tam Schlosky

    This post was made months ago.  Is there any new updates?  Was Box able figure out how to let us change to the D drive yet? 

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  • Sari Alkhatib

    No solution? wow~

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  • Gian Carlo Tamayo

    Any help on changing the DRIVE? My drive C is for Operating System Only and its only 250gb... All my files are on DRIVE D

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  • jamil ahmed qureshi

    HELP want change from c:\BOX TO D:\BOX ?

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