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Box Drive hangs BigSur

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4 commentaires

  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thank you for your post!

    If you are continuously experiencing issues running Box Drive on your Mac, I would suggest reaching out to Box Support team so they can help investigate.

    They may request that you submit your Box Drive logs to look into this behavior. You may reach out to Box support by clicking on the “Contact Support” link just above this page to see the different channels available to your account type.

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  • Vivien SORET

    Hi there!

    You are not alone, I have the exact same issue.

    Un-installing and re-installing doesn't fix it.

    Box edit seems to work, so for now I use the web interface unfortunately.

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  • colohost

    Are you talking whole machine or just finder?  I just updated to last week's Big Sur patch 11.3 and Finder is now on its third infinite hang in about as many days, while I was trying to delete a file in Box Drive.  Force killing it doesn't revive it or the machine; I have to shut all my apps down and reboot.  Fortunately I can at least do that, vs a complete hang and loss of data.  Between this and the M1 debacle, my confidence in Box as an enterprise app vendor is seriously waning. 

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  • David Berninger

    My machine randomly freezes as well.  Once it freezes, even force quitting everything does nothing. It has to be rebooted.  Box, please fix this.

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