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4 commentaires

  • George Avetisyan

    Hello. I did submit the app as well and its been a week since the authorization is pending. Please resolve this My app's name is

    Arachne Bot.
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  • jcleblanc

    Hi Rob & George,

    Are you referring to the web app integration approval process, or the JWT application approval process?

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  • George Avetisyan

    Hello Jc, I'm interested in getting my app to be approved. I don't know how to approve the app. Here is the screenshot, please take a look

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  • Kourtney

    Hey George, 

    Following up on Jon's behalf here. This submission goes to your enterprise primary admin for approval of use within the enterprise. I took a look at it appears you're on a free developer account and that person is you. Therefore, you're going to need to following this process within the admin console > apps > custom apps tab > click the + > in the text box put the client ID. 


    Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate 

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