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4 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Mark, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    As of October 25, 2019, Box has ended the WebDAV support, you can find this announcement in this article: More information on WebDAV with Box.

    Box Drive or the Box WebApp (Box.com) may be suitable alternatives based on the use case.

    Thanks for your participation and let us know how else we can help!


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  • Thomas Beauvais (Thompson)

    This is not suitable. We need Linux support.

    Why was support ended?

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  • Douglas White

    This really stinks in many ways. I often float around to different "community" of clients computers. Downloading and installing BoxDrive on clients computers is not an option. Box WebApp is cumbersome at best. Mapping as a network Drive was simple an very effective.

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  • Kansas SBDC

    I have a client whos mapped drive failed and I cannot get it remapped. The other users are still using it just fine. I guess once you lose that mapping you are screwed. I have spent all day on this issue and found no solution.

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