401 error in getCurrent
RéponduHere is my code
func getToken() {
let client = BoxSDK.getClient(token: "My developer token")
client.users.getCurrent(fields:["name", "login"]) { (result: Result<User,
BoxSDKError>) in
guard case let .success(user) = result else {
print("Error getting user information")
print("Authenticated as \(String(describing: user.name))")
getting this error :
GET https://api.box.com/2.0/users/me?fields=name,login
▷ Headers:
▷ X-Box-UA, Value: agent=box-swift-sdk/3.1.0; env=iPhone Simulator/13.4.1
▷ Authorization, Value: Bearer REDACTED
▷ Body:
2021-09-14 16:51:55.269912+0530 BoxIntegration[17767:939307] [NETWORK AGENT]
◁ Status code: 401: unauthorized
◁ Headers:
◁ Strict-Transport-Security, Value: max-age=31536000
◁ box-request-id, Value: 0856d81a3ad577e175ac3e38a9cfd72d1
◁ x-envoy-upstream-service-time, Value: 54
◁ Connection, Value: keep-alive
◁ Cache-Control, Value: no-cache, no-store
◁ Transfer-Encoding, Value: Identity
◁ Content-Type, Value: application/json
◁ Www-Authenticate, Value: Bearer realm="Service"
◁ Date, Value: Tue, 14 Sep 2021 11:21:55 GMT
◁ Body: {"type":"error","status":401,"code":"unauthorized","help_url":"http:\/\/developers.box.com\/docs\/#errors","message":"Unauthorized - Cannot authorize with this service","request_id":"wcte3xgugdlacg92"}
Hello Arunesh,
Apologies for the delay. I believe your app may not be correctly authorized in the enterprise you're authenticating to. It appears they have a setting enabled to disable unpublished applications by default, which means two steps need to be taken to authorize the app.
Kourtney, Box Developer Advocate
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