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404 - Not found error

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2 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Alex Novotny

    Hey Amrita, 

    This is for sure a permissions issue. You typically get not founds when the applications service account doesn't have access to the folder. You will either need to make an API as a user that has access to the folder or collaborate the service account into the folder. 

    Hope this helps, 

    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Mithesh Reddy Bolla

    Any solution for this ? 
    I am owner of my box account and i created a folder manually and uploaded file.
    For first time i am able to get the folder details via api call and status code is 200, 
    later i had requested same api with my  fresh access token, i  am getting 404, but i can see my folder and file.

    Any help here ?

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