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Annotations bar not visible in Content Preview(Box-ui-elements)

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7 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Alex Novotny


    This might be happening due to the limited access app restrictions. Have you tried making a regular custom app instead? 


    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Venkatakrishnan J

    Yep, thanks, I just noticed the limited access app had restricted scopes. I'll try creating a custom app.



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  • Ayush Jain

    i am using custom app using 16.0.0 version of box-ui-elements but annotations are not working are they supported in box-ui-elements ?

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  • Alex Novotny

    My peer Rui actually just wrote a blog on this topic! https://medium.com/box-developer-blog/how-to-use-annotations-in-box-ui-previewer-b0b6b5ae47e4

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  • Ayush Jain

    i saw it but he used js not react i am facing issue with box-ui-elemnets react, can you help me looking into it why its not working...

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Hi Ayush,

    There is another example using REACT on this article, and I've just updated it to include a preview with annotations.

    Check out the GitHub repo.

    Please note that I'm using a really old version of node and the dependencies are messy.

    Also make sure you update the hard coded and invalid token with a fresh one from your app console in the app.js file.

    The file to preview is also hard coded so make sure you upload a file and use you own file id in the app.js file.

    Hope this helps, cheers.

    Here is a screen shot:

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  • Ayush Jain

    I have used the same example, the only thing what I was missing was that I was not using box-annotation library, thankyou for your help, i am also stuck in one more thing that is i am getting http error while working on sign request using prepare url

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