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Copy files from Box to MS Sharepoint/OneDrive

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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Dave, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Have you had a chance to take a look at this article on "Box and SharePoint"?

    If your goal is to expose Box content in SharePoint and have a single point of access to content, then use Box Embed or Box shared links to expose Box content in a SharePoint portal. This is useful for organizations that have business processes or add-ons in SharePoint and want to use Box and SharePoint together without any customization.

    If you want to have Box as a system of engagement and SharePoint as a system of record, you can use the Box API to publish and move data from one system to another, or you can work directly with Box partners that provide the SharePoint connector capability. This is useful for workflows such as publishing from SharePoint to Box, or for archiving content. 

    This might be relevant with your next steps.

    Hope it helps! Thanks for posting and let us know how else we can help!

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  • Dave Morton

    Thanks.  I did see that article.  However, I was hoping for more detail on using the Box API to copy data between platforms.    Are there examples of this?

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  • France

    Hi Dave, 

    For Box API questions, I highly recommend posting them to our Platform and Developer forum so our specialists and expert members can share their examples and knowledge on the subject.

    Keep safe and thanks for your participation in the forum!

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