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Upload API limits and serverless environments

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6 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Alex Novotny


    Thanks for reaching out. I will need to talk some folks internally and report back. Have you worked with anyone from Box in the past?


    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Sand Box


    Thanks for getting back to us so quickly, we haven't worked with anyone from Box yet.

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  • jbesan

    Hi Sand Box

    I am the product manager for Uploads & Downloads.
    Thanks for your request and I don't think we have a workaround available today.

    We will evaluate if we can lower the minimum to 5MB to support this use-case but in the meantime have you reached out to AWS to see if they can support larger payload with Lambda?


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  • Sand Box

    Hi Jacques,

    We have reached out to AWS but the payload quota of 6MB cannot be changed, unfortunately. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-limits.html

    When using API gateway with Lambda, the payload is base64 encoded, increasing the size by ~33%. This further lowers the limit from 6 to ~4.5MB. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-payload-encodings.html

    This is the standard AWS approach to publish an API with Lambda functions. Would it be possible to lower the minimum to 4MB instead of 5MB?

    Thanks for your consideration,

    Team Apideck

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  • Sand Box


    Do you have an update on this? AWS can't raise this limit for us. 

    Thanks for your consideration,

    Team Apideck

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  • Ricardo Alves

    +1 on this. We also need it for our use case.

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