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Difference between Access Token and Developer Token

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4 commentaires

  • Alex Novotny


    This may be happening based on the application type you created. May I have the client id? 

    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • John Emery


    Here is my app's client ID: 


    - John

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  • Alex Novotny

    Looks like this is a client credentials applications... which means tokens generated will be for a service account... not your user... have collaborated the service account into the folder you are accessing? 


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  • John Emery


    Thank you for that link. I was able to add the service account as a collaborator within the folder that I wish to pull data from. I ran my workflow and everything worked as desired.

    Hopefully this helps anybody that might find themselves in the position I found myself in.

    • App Access Level: App + Enterprise Access
    • I used this API and values to get my credentials:
    • https://api.box.com/oauth2/token
    • client_id
    • client_secret
    • grant_type = client_credentials
    • box_subject_id = enterprise_id (found under General Settings for the app)
    • box_subject_type = enterprise

    The above API call gave me an access_token that I was able to use to pull data from my Box account.



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