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What should be set for ’external_id’ on BoxSign API

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4 commentaires

  • Alex Novotny


    I asked around internally and it looks like we don't support templates via the API yet. This is something the team is working on tho. 

    Alex, Box Developer Advocate

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  • Anthony Kowalick

    We hope this comes sooner rather than later. It's a game changer if we can set up a site wide template and use api's to create calls from that template. Any Idea of a timeframe?

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  • Hayato Kodai

    Hi , Alex


    Thanks a lot !

    As Anthony said , if available template API , it's be game changer.

    Do you know when release that API ?


    Best Regards,

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  • Box Admin -Noel

    I'm also looking for this functionality. Having this option would definitely allow me to create some great web applications for my business users. 

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