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11 commentaires

  • Alex Novotny


    This error is appearing due to the change that occurred back in November. 

    You will want to make sure that whatever you are passing in via ${window.location.href} exactly matches a URI listed in the developer console configuration. 


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  • DocuSign Test

    I have the exact same issue. I have the exact same url passed in the authorizationurl which is listed in my app. Moreover, Box sends me back the same url which is listed in my app as the redirect_url in the error message. This is causing issues in my prod environment. 

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  • abhinav adepu

    But this was working with same til 2 days back.. We did not do ny changes from 6months, but why it is happending even we did not do any changes..


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  • abhinav adepu

    This is happening from yesterday only, same configurations htere since 6months, pls address my issue clearly, i am struggling and breaking my head.. its really messing my application

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  • Alex Novotny

    We released the strict checking change yesterday per this changelog

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  • Shabinaz Chemnad Puthiyapura

    Facing the same issue. I get failures even though my redirect uri is an exact match.

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  • abhinav adepu

    Alex Novotny It solved my reading your change log, But I can able to add only maximum 10 urls, Our application is having 200+ urls ... how can we add them , pls guide.


    what's the limit license wise..






    Shabinaz Chemnad Puthiyapura DocuSign Test


    pls follow




    if url is like this 

    https:www.abc.com  --> add https:www.abc.com in dev console configuration

    option2 :

    if url is 

    https:www.abc.com/xyz/temp=1 --. add enable=box from code level in ur application which should look like https:www.abc.com/xyz/enable=box&temp=1

    and add below url in dev console in configuration tab


    send me kudos if this works... hahaha ..



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  • abhinav adepu

    someone pls help

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  • Mitsu Chatrola

    abhinav adepu We had similar issue as yours and we fixed it with below steps.
    (1) Host a page in your app which can be accessed with static URL (example - http://localhost:3000/enable=box) and give it as redirect URI in box configuration.
    (2) After login box will redirect to this page with code.
    (2) Extract the 'code' from box in this page and redirect to the original page with passing code as a parameter. 
    I hope this will help you. 

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  • abhinav adepu

    what if urls are dynamic





    we cannot add urls more than 10 in box config, pls help with an ex like above


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  • Mitsu Chatrola

    Yes we had similar requirement.

    - Before calling the box login set dynamic part of the URL in session OR localStorage OR state. (In your case 'sendback' or 'forward')
    - set redirect_uri = http://localhost:3000/enable=box
    - host one page in your app which will be loaded when box calls your redirect url (http://localhost:3000/enable=box)
    - Extract the 'code' from box in this page and redirect to url with the dynamic part from session OR localStorage OR state and pass the code to that page in query parameter

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