What should I set my Redirect URI to?
I'm using the OAuth 2.0 authentication method for my Box App. However, I am receiving an error
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch.
I've read through some of the responses to this error but I don't understand what my Redirect Uri should be. Any help would be great! Thanks
redirect_uri is the place in your application that box redirects the user after they have authenticated and authorized your application. You can learn more here:
Thanks for the response!
The part that I'm not understanding is how to make sure the redirect_uri parameter passed to the authorization URL matches my Redirect URI for my application. The Redirect URI for my application is / always has been http://localhost. Previously I could enter my client id and secret into my r terminal and I would be connected to the box api.
Now obviously, I am getting sent to the web page with the error. Is there a way to alter my redirect_uri parameter in my authorization call?
I appreciate your help.
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