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External collaborator bypassing 2FA

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1 commentaire

  • France

    Hi Bryan, 

    Welcome to the Box Community, I'm happy to help!

    It's likely the external user already have 2FA enabled or could be using SSO before you even implemented it as a requirement to external users you are sharing contents with. Take a look at this article and the table below for the expected behaviour when enforcing 2FA for external collaborators:  https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044195853-Configuring-Two-Step-Login-Verification

     When you enforce 2FA, external collaborators can have different experiences, as summarized in this table.

    External collaborator Experience To gain access to shared content
    Is enrolled in 2FA with Box Can access shared content if enrolled with required authentication method N/A
    Uses SSO to log into Box Can access shared content N/A
    • Is not enrolled in 2FA with Box and does not use SSO
    • Previously collaborated on shared folders
    • Cannot access your enterprise's shared content
    • Can access all folders from outside of your enterprise
    • In the Box account window, set up 2FA from the pending invitations panel under ACTION REQUIRED in the All Files page, or from the Account Settings page.
    • Is not enrolled in 2FA with Box and does not use SSO
    • Is invited to a new collaboration
    • Cannot access your enterprise's newly shared content
    • Can access all folders from outside of your enterprise
    • In the Box account window, set up 2FA from the pending invitations panel under ACTION REQUIRED in the All Files page, or from the Account Settings page.
    • Does not have a Box account
    • Is invited to a new collaboration

    Receives an invitation email to accept the collaboration invite by signing up for a new Box account



    1. Register for a new Box account
    2. In the Box account window, set up 2FA from the pending invitations panel under ACTION REQUIRED in the All Files page, or from the Account Settings page.

    Let me know if you have questions, and I would be more than happy to help!


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