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Box PowerShell command to get inactive users

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14 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Mike Grytsai

    Thanks for sharing your solution.

    Also, recently our team put together some CLI sample script and Report to get inactive users is there.

    You can follow user guide or jump straight to the script.

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  • Vince

    Is there a way to get the last login?  Or is the modifieddatetime the same thing?

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  • Mike Grytsai

    You can use Events API to get LOGIN event details. You can do it with CLI:

    box events --enterprise --limit=500 --event-types=LOGIN 
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  • Vince

    Thanks Mike. I am using the Powershell "inactive users report" sample and with just "Login" it doesn't return any login information.  In the web portal, I'm able to report and get "last login".


    Even if I mod the script to just use "$eventType = "LOGIN"" there's no login info.  


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  • Mike Grytsai

    The way inactive user report works is  that it returns you a list of inactive users. So you won't get a list of events as an output of your script run. If there was a login event or any other event type you specify, it will treat that user as active and won't add to the `InactiveUsers.csv` (result of script run)

    If you want to get list of events, can you run below command just to ensure you see those Login events.

    box events --enterprise --limit=500 --event-types=LOGIN
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  • Vince

    Hi Mike.  Thanks again for the reply.  I don't see a last login though.  Output below (I've removed some of the info so you mostly see the fields.  Looking for date of last login. 

        Type: user
        ID: ''
        Name: Vince
        Login: Vince..
    Created By:
        Type: user
        ID: ''
        Name: Vince 
        Login: Vince.
    Action By: null
    Created At: '2023-02-23T'
    Event ID: 24cd489b-4536
    Event Type: LOGIN
    IP Address: 
    Type: event
    Session ID: null
    Additional Details: null

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  • Mike Grytsai

    Understand. I'm not sure there is an endpoint to return just last login date. You can use enterprise event to figure out the latest login date (by filtering and sorting the API response)

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  • Vince

    cool! I'll look further into it

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  • Jayesh Kamdar

    Thanks Mike, this looks promising for what I need to do, that is...

    • List all the inactive users
    • List what has been shared with these users (collaboration report)
    • Then Delete these users 

    So, this would be a good start. Looking at your link to the "user guide", for WIndows it says "Install the latest version of dotnet core." and then for Mac/Linux, "Install PowerShell. Run the pwsh command to test the installation." So, for Windows, I still need to install Powershell on Windows too, right?

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  • Mike Grytsai

    Hi Jayesh,

    On Windows, Powershell should be already installed. you can verify it by running `pwsh`.


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  • Jayesh Kamdar

    Thanks Mike, I tried the script (ended up doing on my Mac) but I get the partial results and ends with an error(?):

    PS /Users/<username>/box/scripts> ./inactive-users.ps1

    Enter the number of days to look back for inactive users: 180

    Looking for users inactive for more than 180 days.

    Found 5180 users.


    Could not get event list

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  • Mike Grytsai

    It could be due to event limit.

    Currently our documentation for this script state:

    Due to scale issue, CLI can't handle more than 1M events per run and as a run the Inactive Users Report will fail.

    Can you please try with a shorter time range to see if that works?

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  • Jayesh Kamdar

    You were right Mike, tried 10 days and here is the result (below). Used 10 days as input. (My ultimate goal is to find inactive user who hasn't logged on in last 6 months and using 0 storage, then delete them)

    Found 5202 users.

    Found 99648 events in last 10 days

    Enterprise has: 5 App users, 5197 regular users. With 11 admin roles, 5191 user roles.

    Need to check 5186 users (regular user, with user role) for inactive.

    Found 4115 users inactive for more than 10 days.

    Report is available at InactiveUsers.csv

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  • Mike Grytsai

    To solve this limitation you can possibly do the following:

    • Define let events
    • Select shorter period


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