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Box Sign endpoint request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token

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5 commentaires

  • Rui Barbosa

    Can you show us how to replicate your experience? Include your app configurations and permissions.

    On first though it has to be permissions.

    Did you change the app configurations and forgot to re-submit it? (it happens to me all the time)

    Let us know.

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  • Stijn Akkerman

    Hi Rui,

    Thanks for your reply. The issue has been resolved by enabling Box Sign for the user using the app. That allowed me to check the box in the app scopes to manage Bos Sign requests.

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  • Danylo Kosenko

    Hi Stijn Akkerman,

    Can you tell me where you found this setting?

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  • Stijn Akkerman

    Hi Danylo Kosenko, it was a while ago but I think I did it via the Admin Console. There you can enable/disable Box Sign for certain users. Make sure to have Box Sign enabled for the user whose box_subject_id is used to get the access token

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  • Rui Barbosa

    Here is a screenshot, note the url.

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