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Hey there, Are you primarily working in the main box.com website, or are you uploading and viewing powerpoints through a custom API integration? This is specifically the platform and development ...
Hey Balaji, There's not an API for specifically resetting external passwords unfortunately. Could you share a little bit about your intended use case?
Hi Acivory, That's correct - the Content Explorer doesn't currently support generation of File Request objects, chiefly because the File Request API doesn't exist yet. However, it's on the roadmap:...
Hi, That understanding sounds correct. You can theoretically use the "item_collection" or even "size" field on any individual folder to see if that particular folder is empty or not, but the API ...
正式なコメント Hi Anirudh, You're pretty close! The field you're looking for is "login", on that current_user object. If you take a look at the type of the object returned by client.user().get(), you'll see <clas...
Hi , If you're using the latest File Request feature, the field you're looking for will be in "uploader_display_name". https://developer.box.com/reference/resources/file--full/#param-uploader_d...
Hi , Thanks for reaching out. Good question. Think of the developer token method as a way to test api calls manually without setting up either of Box's two authentication methods. This is use...
Hey , Thanks for reaching out and good question. There's a few ways to think about it. From the perspective of the API, client sessions are powered by access tokens, which you may be aware l...
Hey , I think you might be running into an odd part of the as-user design, where you can't actually take actions on content external to your enterprise when you impersonate a managed user with "a...
Hi , Thanks for reaching out. I think this one has come up before more in the context of normal box logins, vs specifically the OAuth2 flow: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-fu...