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Box New layout - Can't Shift/CMD select

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10 commentaires

  • Elise Tribby

    Yes, just discovered this change to the Select checkbox. This severely inhibits function for the way my team uses Box. How can we revert this change?

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  • Elise Tribby

    Follow-up: We just found that you can check one Select box and then Shift/Cmd click on another Select box to select multiple files. This is still clunky requiring that you only click that single spot, but makes it passably useable until we can hopefully revert it.

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  • deep0d0

    Thanks for this! Helpful for now while we wait for a solution

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  • Nate

    Please upvote the return of the White Space Select function over in Pulse - https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-product-feedback

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  • Elise Tribby

    I can't find anything on Pulse searching for white space select function - could you post the link to that specific ticket? Will be happy to upvote it.

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  • deep0d0

    +1 couldn’t find it either

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  • Nate

    Hmmm I am wondering if it is still under moderation after I posted it...


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  • Elise Tribby

    I still can't find yours specifically mentioning White Space Select, but I found another that's on there now asking for the same thing which I upvoted: https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box/suggestions/46271431-selecting-files-on-the-box-ui

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  • Nate

    Thank you Elise - as long as someone's comment got approved I will take it.  

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  • Dustin DiFranco

    Please at least give us an option to choose between checkbox and white space select.  I cannot stand the checkboxes personally.

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