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What happened to the magnifying glass slider?

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3 commentaires

  • AJ

    Hi Joshua,

    Welcome to the Box Community! I'm happy to help.

    I understand your point regarding the slider bar and somehow updates have reformed the sizes of the folder tabs to a more suitable size.

    I appreciate your time to let us know about this things that Box has to offer.

    May I know from what device you are previewing the icons in the "All Files" page? Is it from a phone or laptop/computer?

    Our Product team is constantly looking for ways to improve Box based on user feedback, so I will forward your suggestion on to them for consideration. We are sure our users will appreciate this additional service. You can be certain that we appreciate comments like yours that help us achieve this goal.

    I have forwarded this request to Product for review - we always value user feedback and hopefully, this will be included in the next Box update. You can also utilize Box Pulse <https://pulse.box.com/forums/909778-help-shape-the-future-of-box> -- our product feedback tool powered by UserVoice.





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  • Joshua Medernach

    Thank you AJ.

    For your device question, it is a Windows laptop plugged into a 2k resolution monitor. 

    Another feedback is that I can no longer see the count of files within a folder. In the older version, you could see the file count under the name of the folder. These new updates seem to make Box more difficult to use.

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  • Rick Gutta

    I agree with Joshua, I used the slider bar in grid view all the time when it was available, prior to this update, to be able to zoom in and see photos without having to open each one to view it, it was so much faster,  The latest update took away a valuable function that should be put back.  Hopefully they will do it on the next update and that won't take long to be put out.

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