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My Box Files have all disappeared AGAIN!

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5 commentaires

  • Mango

    OK.. Today, after the umpteenth reboot, Box Drive finally started correctly and as if by magic all my files were back in their Box Drive folders.. I'd really appreciate an explanation of what's happening here, and an answer to my 3 questions above. Thank you. 

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  • Mark Heidecker

    It's interesting how they say "Join +1M users......." yet this community forum is a barren landscape. 

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  • Mango

    they should provide direct support via email in addition to having the forum.. offering a service like this but making it virtually impossible to contact them directly is a huge red flag for me (that's in addition to the obvious red flags mentioned above).. This is what all the bigger companies do, like facebook and google, they make direct contact as difficult as they can.. but box drive isn't big enough to be doing that.. if they want to grow, they need to offer better support..

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  • Aira

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    I do apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you. 

    In rare instances Box Drive fails to launch. Manually resetting Box Drive can often resolve this. You may check this article :https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697494-Using-Box-Drive-Basics

    There are times that you won't see file on the app due to Internet connection issue or OS version compatibility. 

    If you encounter this issue again, please try to check the following: 

    • Do you have Outlook open when trying to launch Box Drive? If so, can you close out of Outlook, launch Box Drive, then launch Outlook?
    • The same thing applies for Excel


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  • Mango

    Hi Aira, I definitely don't have Outlook running, nor Excel.. I don't even have MS Office installed, so it is not those that are causing the  issues..

    You wrote:

    "There are times that you won't see file on the app due to Internet connection issue or OS version compatibility. "

    So why cant the files be seen? Why am I unable to access them if Box Drive doesn't start properly?? That has to be a bug, as if they are on my drive, then surely they should always be accessible to me regardless of Box's status?


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