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7 commentaires

  • Aira

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    For me to check, may I please have the following: 

    • Screenshot of what it looks like on Box Drive? 
    • Have you tried log out/in of the Box app?
    • Are the files synced is a collaborated files or owned files?

    In the meantime, please try to manually reset your Box Drive. See steps here: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043697494-Using-Box-Drive-Basics

    Looking forward in assisting you.



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  • Laura Torgerson

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  • Laura Torgerson

    Yes, tried logging out and logging back in. Synced everything multiple times. Checked trash.

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  • Laura Torgerson

    I have manually reset Box. My files were no where to be found in any unsynced folder. I uninstalled Box and then reinstalled it. Still no files.

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  • Laura Torgerson

    Also, the files that are missing are owned. No collaboration with anyone else


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  • Laura Torgerson

    /Users/lauratorgerson/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/LNT/taxes & financials/2022 charitable.xls 

    This is the path for one of my missing files. Cannot open it though as it says it has been deleted or is inaccessible.

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  • Laura Torgerson

    Why am I unable to submit a support ticket? 

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