
16 commentaires

  • France

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Folders that are colored yellow are folders you owned and has not been shared with other users or collaborators. Folders in Blue are collaborative folders that you may own or by another user in your Box organization, while Gray folder are owned by external collaborator.

    If you want to know who owned the folders in your "All Files" page, simply click the folder in Box and on the right-side pane should show you the list of collaborators, from the owner, co-owner editor, etc.

    You may also follow the steps in this article on How to Transfer Folder Ownership


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  • Box User

    Thank you!

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  • Donald Lauer

    How can I tell what I own? Search no longer works and blue folder is pretty broad. Is there any way to report as an end user or even as an admin?

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  • Richard Jenkinson

    Select All Files top left of page.
    Use the Search function at the top middle of the page.
    Enter *.*
    Click on 'Search Options'
    Click on File Type(s) - Select Folders
    Click on Owner - enter your details
    Hit Return
    Go back and delete *.* and hit return again.
    This should show you all the folders where you are the owner.

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  • Donald Lauer

    Excellent - it looks like this works now. THANK YOU!

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    This method used to work only a short while ago as I used it, but does not seem to be working today, anyone got any ideas?

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  • Mary Posner

    David, I just tried this this morning and it did work for me after refreshing several times - however, I'm not sure *how* I got it to work. Most of the time it seemed to retain the period in the search field even though I'd deleted it.

    What did work consistently was removing the period from the URL after "query=" and reloading the page. Then it pulled up the results I was expecting and allowed me to modify the filters such as files/folders, size, etc.

    If there's a better way to do this, I'm all ears.

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  • Sandra Sherrill

    It's not working for me, either.  I just tried it on Safari and on Chrome browers - and Box tells me it can't find what I am looking for.  

    I used *.* as the search and my userID as Owner.  Nothing.  Nada.  

    A better way to do this would be most helpful.  


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  • Mike Shook

    Not working for me either. With the huge (and useless) All Files list, I really need a way to quickly see the things I own that are in my Root folder (not the laundry list of EVERYTHING I own). If this search process isn't possible to get fixed, can I get two new choice in the left-hand menu for "Root Things I Own" and "Things Shared With Me"? That way I can set the "Root Things I Own" to be my Home Page.

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  • Harms, Michael

    Come on Box.  This is a pretty basic feature request -- when you have people sharing all sorts of things with you, "All Files" quickly becomes useless.  There needs to a simple option to "Display Only Items I Own".

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  • Access Consciousness

    Any update on this issue?

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  • Peter Stone

    Ooph - came here looking to do the same and yeah... there's no way to do it anymore :(


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  • Kevin Stevens

    You can still do this general approach with a small tweak. It seems Box is detecting an empty search parameter and not submitting the query. However, if you edit the URL bar directly you can get it to run the search still.

    Look for query= in the URL bar and remove what is after it and before the & that follows the search parameter. In the example above it will look something like:


    change it to


    and hit enter on the URL

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  • Mark Embry

    Tried this it doesn't work for me.

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  • Mary Posner

    Just tried it again and it works for me. Remember to delete the period from both the search box and from the URL immediately following "query" and then refresh the page. 

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  • Randy Windsor

    Thank you France !! It still works. 

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