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I can not delete the box file to recycle bin, why?

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5 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Ates, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    To confirm, are you the owner of the files you a re trying to delete or are you a collaborator in the folder where those files are located?

    You must be the owner of the folder where those files are located or have at least editor access to be able to delete those files. Check out this article on Collaboration permissions for further explanation: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360044196413-Understanding-Collaborator-Permission-Levels 


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  • Box User

    Hi France,

    Thank you. I am pleased to be with you all.


    To reply your question, yes I am the owner. But I don't think that it has something to do with the permissions. It MAY BE something to do with the membership. I am a free member, so it may not allow me to do that. When I was working with Windows 7, I did not have this issue, neither the link copying issue. When I changed my computer and started using Windows 10, these issues started. May be this will give you a clue.


    Thank you for your support any way.


    By this opportunity I wish you and all the members of this community Merry Christmas and a HEALTHY and happy new year.


    Best wishes,



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  • elddum

    Hi - Did you get a response to this query?

    I have the same issue. I am deleting files from Box Drive (MacOS 11.2.2 (Big Sur); Box Drive 2.20.136) and it will only allow me to delete immediately, not have it sent to the Bin/Trash. I am the owner of the folder and the creator of the file. This creates an unnecessary step in needing to answer a dialog asking "this will delete immediately... are you sure you want to continue" question.

    Why can't box simply move it to my trash (and remove it from the Box Drive and Box.com as if I had deleted it), giving me the option of restoring it to Box Drive if it becomes necessary. The current model allows for no error... if I delete it, its gone forever as it instantly deletes from box.com. Takes me back to the 1980s :(

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  • Box User


    No, I didn't receive any response unfortunately. Too true. The box app in windows should be able to delete the file to the trash, since there is this opportunity. This will avoid any accidental file loss we may face.

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  • Ian Geis

    I too am experiencing this issue. Our organization recently pushed the switch from Box Sync to Box Drive, which is when it started occurring. I find it very odd since the Box Drive files I am working with are downstream of this path C:\Users\212327745\Box, which obviously shows on my machine's local C: drive. When I inspect the properties of the Box Drive itself within windows explorer, it is stated as a Mounted Volume. I did find from some googling that mounted volumes don't have the opportunity to delete to a recycle bin since they are not within the same environment as the local C: drive. It is just odd that the folders downstream that I am working with, of which I am the owner, show on the C: drive. I have a hunch this is the reason for this, but it would be great to have resolution on this.

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