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4 commentaires

  • bx_dev2

    What is LionBox? A 3rd party application? Is the folder shared or are there any collaborators on the folder? You may need to refer to their docs to confirm how sharing works.

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  • Lisa Mitchell

    Is there a help phone number.  Lionbox is a shared sts application for Publicis or Lion Resources.  Yes there are other colloborators.   I was given this email as the help email when there are issues with it?

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  • bx_dev2

    Since it's a 3rd party application, it will be supported by Lionbox. I found this resource from them regarding support-> http://www.lionbox.publicisgroupe.net/#support .It looks like the application was built on the Box API which is why it looks so similar, so I understand why their would be some confusion. I would imaging sharing and collaboration would be the same, but its hard to say without more info. Also I don't work for Box I'm just a user as well. 

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  • Rona

    Hi Lisa, 

    Welcome to Box Community, 

    This will require our Box Support team to work directly with you. I've submitted a support ticket and rest assured that one of our teammates will reach out to you as soon as possible. 

    Thanks for posting, 

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