Error Message 'Unable to open folder'

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83 commentaires

  • mmd0404

    We are also noticing significant performance issues when running Box Drive. 

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  • Jonathan Fisher

    I'm trying turning off "allow handoff between this Mac and your iCloud Devices" to see if this is the source of the problem.

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  • Jonathan Fisher

    I'll report back soon.  Has anyone else tried the ping or trace route measurements?

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  • Patrick Beahn

    I have been seeing this lately and seem to notice a common problem in my case.

    I am working from a Win10 64 with Box Drive installed, connected via our OKTA MFA single sign on application.

    When I leave a document opened overnight from a Box Drive folder inside an application(Word), but I am logged out of our MFA Okta accounts due to our 24 hour access window, the connection is broken between the local copy I am working on and the Box Drive to cloud repository.

    It seems if I open the Box Drive SEARCH BOX which is installed with Box Drive, and exit the account, then open the site in the browser and sign in, it repairs the connection.

    Not sure if this works for everyone, but I'm just sharing.


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  • Ferreira, Isac

    Same issue. This is really annoying.

    I've also opened a bug report referring to this thread.

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  • David Fajardo

    Same issue as all Mac Users. I turned off all notifications for Box Helper and Box UI and that removed the notifications although the issue is still there. 

    macOS Mojave
    Processor Name: Intel Core i7
    Processor Speed: 3.70 GHz
    Memory: 64 GB

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  • David Fajardo

    This solved the problem. 


    Please check to see if you have "Calculate all sizes" enabled for the Box folder and, if so, turn it off

    • Open Finder
    • Click on the Box mount
    • Open View->Show View Options
    • "Calculate all sizes" is second from the bottom
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  • Laura Brown

    Hello, I have a user on my team that is having this exact issue, specifically when Adobe AfterEffects is open. The Box Drive update did not fix this issue, and the fix from David was not available to the user. Is there any update on this problem?

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  • Stewart Miller

    I am getting the exact same error messages running on Windows 10.  The only Adobe product that I know is installed is Acrobat.  This has been going on for a couple of months and it is annoying to have these notifications bombard my computer with at least 20 at a time in rapid succession.

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  • David Fajardo

    @Laura Brown - If your user is on a Mac, this fix will 100% work.

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  • mmd0404

    We tried the 'calculate all sizes' fix - didn't work for us.

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  • Jason Wells

    My team has users experiencing the same issue.  We are on Windows 10 and I do not see the option to un-check "Calculate all sizes."  Users have been able to get the errors to stop by logging out of Box Drive and logging back in.  Would like to find a better solution, however.

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  • ITAdmin81

    Any update on this?  More Windows 10 users are reporting this.  For us it only happens when we have cloud backups running.

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  • Margie Wylie

    The MacOS fix does not work for me. All I have to do is Open Adobe Premiere and it opens the floodgates.

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  • Julie Jonas

    I have the same problem on 2 different pcs even when adobe is not open. Can someone help please. 


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  • Stewart Miller

    This is what Box wanted me to perform on my Windows machine.  I do not have Admin rights to do so.
    Their investigation into this issue concluded that there was an executable file continually scanning/crawling your Box Drive content resulting in the encountered error messages. 

    The at fault file was found to be dllhost.exe​. If the at fault file is temporarily removed, it will confirm the resolution to the behavior being experienced, which is why our engineering team recommends that you block this executable file explicitly within the affected user's system via the banned process regkey 'BannedProcessNames'​ within Registry editor. 

    My in house support Team said that this is caused by someone attempting to save files to Box with Invalid characters.  Not sure.

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  • David Eisenmann

    Yep, still an issue on the Mac. Using MacOS 10.15.7 on a new iMac.  Everything is fine until *after* I open a document in Box for the first time, only then does the deluge of error messages start.  All of them have to do with various plugins not loading.

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  • Luis Aguirre

    I'm also getting these errors and am now starting to see this spreading throughout my organization. This needs to be resolved ASAP.

    Windows 10 machine, no Adobe products installed, so far nothing I have tried has worked.

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  • Jessica Winsett

    I'm having the same issue too! This happens every morning for a handful of users.

    It seems to be caused by a lot of Powershell calls (Box Support reviewed the logs, suggested I reach out to Microsoft, who did not help).

    Box appears to function but the notifications come in all at once (sometimes 70+ notifications)

    OS: Windows 10 Pro 2009 (version 20H2)
    Box version: 2.24.208
    Workspace One v21.07 and Carbon Black Cloud Sensor v3.7.0.1253

    The user has Carbon Black Cloud Sensor installed, but removing that program (and even reinstalling Box) did not resolve the issue. The error messages happen every morning around the same time (I think when the PowerShell calls start) and multiple notifications come in at once. WorkspaceOne location sync happens about 30 minutes before the errors come in.

    Below is a snippet from a log (for BOX) that shows some of the Powershell calls (please note file names have been redacted, but this is for multiple folders): 

    2022-01-24 09:44:04.322 INFO 0x00003320 [winfs:461][onCloseFile] [powershell.exe] "***filename redacted***"
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.323 INFO 0x00003314 [winfs:537][onGetFileInfo] [powershell.exe] "***filename redacted***"
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.323 INFO 0x00003324 [winfs:421][onOpenFile] [powershell.exe] "***filename redacted***", shareMode: 0x2010, desiredAccess: 0x100001
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.323 INFO 0x00003318 [winfs:421][onOpenFile] [powershell.exe] "***filename redacted***", shareMode: 0x2010, desiredAccess: 0x100001
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.324 INFO 0x0000331c [winfs:461][onCloseFile] [powershell.exe] "***filename redacted***"
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.324 INFO 0x0000332c [folderfetcher:187][fetchWithWait] Fetching inodeId: 1886, path: "***filename redacted***", priority: 205497324, fetching state: 1, max wait: 30000 initiated by: powershell.exe
    2022-01-24 09:44:04.351 INFO 0x00003184 [baseengineipcreceiver:361][reportFolderFetchError] folderInodeId: 1886, reason: UNKNOWN"

    If anyone has a solution I would welcome it, since it has yet to be resolved!

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  • Bryan Garrant

    Hi, We are seeing the same issues.

    Do you by chance run Nessus or anything from Tenable.IO? It's a vulnerability scanner, Box support mentioned it to us.


    I am trying to figure out why powershell is in the Box directories but I am just not sure yet.


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  • Jimmy Buck

    Bryan Garrant

    Just seeing your comment. The company I work for is having the same notification issues and we have tracked it down to being a Tenable scanner. I think it is the log4j scanner, but that's not my department and I don't know for sure. That scanner uses powershell to do the scanning. Tenable allows you to exclude certain directories on Unix and Mac, but not Windows. So until Box decides to address this in the Box Drive client, you either have to just live with the notifications or disable the scanner.

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  • Bryan Garrant


    Ah yes we actually uninstalled the scanner, and the notifications went away.

    We added it again and they came back.

    I am looking into disabling powershell in a Box registry key but have not had any luck with that yet. I need to pin down the exact name that powershell uses.

    Here is what I have found from Box support but no luck seeing it work yet.

    When we see this in the Streem logs through Box Drive, it indicates there's some program being used to traverse the user's content through Box, as mentioned before, but in this case, powershell.exe itself is not the individual program, so we can't be sure what the individual program is that needs to be added to the "BannedProcessNames" registry. What we can recommend, to be sure what's doing this, please use Process Explorer to help identify and confirm whether it is in fact Tenable or not, as this should also give you the full name to use in the process to add to the "BannedProcessName" registry key section. This could even help provide the full name of Tenable, and whether it's Tenable.IO (as we've seen for other customers encountering this), or something else. It could also provide a whole different program at fault, for you to add with this. 

    Please note however, if you would instead want information on banning powershell.exe instead, this decision would need to be made by your IT Team, and any more details surrounding why these processes are behaving in this way would be better directed at Microsoft Support as the issue stems from their programs/processes traversing your user's Box content.


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  • Jessica Winsett

    I think we actually do use Nessus too, so that would make sense.

    We ended up having to (for the few affected users) exclude Powershell as a "banned process" for Box, for a workaround:
     Close Box completely and set the following registry key:

    • Create the regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Box/Box/BannedProcessNames and set to a REG_MULTI_SZ type.
    • Then add the name of the process to the list, powershell.exe

    I also added DBUtilRemovalTool.exe to the list as well, since the affected users were all on Dell Laptops. After a restart and exiting and then signing back in to Box, the error notifications stopped.

    No word yet on a more direct fix.

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  • Bryan Garrant


    I will add that to the list right now. I had powershell but was not sure if it would work.

    Thanks for that!

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  • Jimmy Buck

    My information security might not like banning the entire powershell process from the folder, but I'll bring it up with them.


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  • Bryan Garrant

    Does that look right?

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  • Jessica Winsett

    Yup! Then have them restart (close out of Box, restart the computer, then sign back in to Box) and see if that resolves it for now.

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  • Sully Ridout

    I am also having this issue which started recently. I have been using Adobe Media Encoder. The constant notifications are driving me crazy.

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  • Bryan Garrant

    I would try the steps below per Jessica Winsett. It worked for us!


    I think we actually do use Nessus too, so that would make sense.

    We ended up having to (for the few affected users) exclude Powershell as a "banned process" for Box, for a workaround:
     Close Box completely and set the following registry key:

    • Create the regkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Box/Box/BannedProcessNames and set to a REG_MULTI_SZ type.
    • Then add the name of the process to the list, powershell.exe

    I also added DBUtilRemovalTool.exe to the list as well, since the affected users were all on Dell Laptops. After a restart and exiting and then signing back in to Box, the error notifications stopped.

    No word yet on a more direct fix.

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  • James Kraft

    I am having the same issue.  Very frustrating and annoying.  Is there a fix?


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