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Copy/Paste and Group Selecting Fields in Box Sign

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5 commentaires

  • Aira

    Hi there, 

    Welcome to the Box Community! 

    This issue should be best addressed by our Product Support. I have created a ticket for you and kindly check your Inbox for updates. 


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  • Sam Wallace

    Post is marked as completed but don't  see the feature as described?

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  • Catarina Edwards

    I used to be able to do this, but today it is not allow me to. Anyone else having this issue?

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  • Accounts Payable

    I used to be able to do this but this function is suddenly not available started 25 July 2023. Urgent matter pls respond asap. Thanks

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  • Mellisa McCrea

    I was having this issue in Box Sign. The copy and paste function for Box Sign fields was no longer working as it had previously. After seeing the above suggestion in another thread, I updated my Chrome browser and the functionality worked again.

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