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8 commentaires

  • Todd Cadby

    If you find out Kathryn, please post as i have been trying for months.  The only support i get pointed too is this community forum.  Ugh. 

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  • Kathryn Marshall

    Same. And I was trying to search the community forum, but when I try to read posts I get an "you are not authorized to view this" error message. I thought everyone had access to the forum posts...

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  • Todd Cadby

    Ok, thank you!  I am on the free program but about to upgrade with one of these online providers to a paid version for my business but not if i can never reach a support person.

    Also, my question posed months ago was very simple and a BOX support forum person? answered but never answered it specifically.  All i want to know is BOX a zero knowledge platform, in other words do the BOX staff/employees have the ability to view and/or unencrypt and/or alter my (the customer) data at a

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  • Rona

    Hi Kathryn and Todd, 

    Welcome to Box Community, hope you guys are having a good day! 

    Please be informed that your ability to work with our Product Support team varies according to your Account Type. For any Box-relevant inquiries you can always visit this support page and we'd love to further assist. 

    Thanks for posting! 

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  • Kathryn Marshall

    Hi Rona, I upgraded my account (to an account that should get technical support), and I'm still not able to reach customer support. My emails bounce back. Will you please fix this? Thanks.

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  • pittsburghsounds

    I need to change my primary email address since I no longer have that one, but can not find anyway in my account section to do it? Your Help sections say to go to account and notifications, but there are no buttons, or links there to change it. One article says to contact the Box Administrator, is this you?

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  • Kathryn Marshall

    I realized I never got a response to my last post here.... 

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