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Storage Usage Is Incorrect

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2 commentaires

  • SMSF Admin

    As you can see on the image below it shows there is "111 files" inside that "check out" folder, but when i open that folder there is only 1 file (second pic)



    Something wrong with this, there are files that we don't have which caused our storage to be inaccurate? I was really hoping someone form the team will contact or reach out to me with this matte, please.  


    Thank you,


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  • Rona

    Hi Rose, 

    Welcome to Box Community and glad to help! 

    We have corrected your affected folder's file counts. 

    Let us know in this forum if you'll get this issue again. https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695334-Storage-Usage-Or-File-Count-In-My-Account-Is-Incorrect

    Thanks for posting! 

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