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Unable to add box to Microsoft online storage location

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5 commentaires

  • Rona

    Hi Karen, 

    Welcome to Box Community and I'm here to assist! 

    We have created a new case and a member of our team will contact you through email, please keep an eye out. 

    Thanks for posting!

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  • Nick Fatolitis

    Hey Karen,  Did you get a resolution to this, can you pass along any info that may help others.  I am experiencing a similar issue.

    Thanks, Nick

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  • Stephen Price

    I also need an answer on this please


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  • Nick Fatolitis

    This is working for me now.  I am not sure if something changed with Box, or if we needed a MS patch to get this working, but it is working for us now.  

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  • Elissa Reilly

    We had to fill in a form with our box representative which gave then granted us access to it - I'm not sure if they've changed something in their procedure. 

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