
7 commentaires

  • Rona

    Hi there,

    Welcome to Box Community! 

    It indicates that you have already collaborated with one of our team members. Please let us know if you have additional questions. 

    We'd love to further assist! 

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  • Chloe Walker

    Was anyone able to resolve this? I am having the same issue and I can't create new ones either

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  • Ivan Arreola

    I got the same error, it is working sometimes, and I have the error later. 

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  • Erik Kenda

    I also have this error. How to solve this?

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  • Jason Shen

    Very inconsistent. Had this error before but went away in a day. Now just experienced it again. I can see relays in my user dashboard, but not admin portal. After I re-login, I'm getting the same error from both views. But they are working as I can see the result of relay runs.

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  • Nicholas Schaffzin

    Getting the same error - any suggestions from BOX?

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  • Erik Kenda

    For me, the solution was to clear the browser cache and cookies.

    Before clearing you can even check if it works in incognito or another browser.

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