Change user permissions at subfolder without changing parent folder
I have many situations/use cases where we have a team folder, but only certain teams/people need access to a set of subfolders. And sometimes only want individuals to have access to the subfolder and not anything else in the parent folder. Why can't Box do this when all other major file sharing solutions allow this (OneDrive, ShareFile, etc.)?
Hi Jessica Holley what was your workaround for this? I was thinking I could reset the permissions by removing everyone from the main folder and then adding to the subfolder only those that need specific access to them. Not sure it will work but I'm crossing fingers it does.
Thanks, Jessica. I did some testing over the last few days (and also saw other posts with similar issues) and it does appear the solution is to remove everyone from the main folder and start adding to subfolders. There are other problems associated with this approach (not giving access to all folders and folks having access to multiple folders at the main page vs only one). Not the best solution but will see how we can implement this workaround soon. Thx and good luck!
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