UploadLargeFileWithSession crash at 100% without result
our code, .NET 4.5, Box.V2 SDK 3.14.1
Problem: When upload large file near 1GB, the upload will crash with 6 errors,
1-3 "A Task was cancled"
3-6 "The API returned an error [RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | 7f0065b2ed30774ef6156232a1ad4c1f] range_overlaps_existing_part - Part overlaps with previously uploaded part: {id: "EE157631", "offset": 570425344, "size": 33554432}"
Whend send timeout with null, as promoted by some Box-Dev, the result does not get better.
When send timeout of 2 hours, upload works fine.
So our Question is, what timeout time should be send with the request?
here some additional timeout trials:
//null fail
//200tik fail
//20 sec fail
//1 min ?
//5 min ok
//10 min ok
//13 min ok
//14 min ok
//20 min ok
////// Lädt die Datei async await nach box hoch, bei einem Fehler wird versucht den vorgang zu wiederholen bis zu 3x /// /// geladene BoxClient /// Geladener Stream /// null oder BoxFile private async Task DoWorkAsync3TimeLoop(BoxClient aClient, Stream aStream) { int iterator = 0; int maxIterator = 3; while (iterator < maxIterator) { try { // do the work in the loop - and wait for var some = await aClient.FilesManager.UploadUsingSessionAsync(aStream, "VLargeFile.zip", "SOME FOLDER ID", progress: _asyncProgress); return some; } catch (Exception ex) {
// when crash retry string text; text = ex.Message; iterator++; } } return null; }
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