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2 commentaires

  • KurtBaker

    There are lots of gotcha's when downloading lots of content from Box.  See https://community.box.com/t5/Managing-Content-Troubleshooting/Common-Issues-with-Downloading-Files/ta-p/322.  If you are an enterprise or business account, FTP may be an option, but there are things to be aware of there too: https://community.box.com/t5/Upload-and-Download-Files-and/Using-Box-with-FTP/ta-p/26050


    What's your use case for needing to download these?  If you have Box Drive installed you would have access to the files without needing to download.


    --Kurt Baker

    Penn State University

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  • dfsixstring


    The short answer to your question is to download the top level folder that the photos are in.  If you have all photos in the root of your directory - e.g. not in a folder, then create a new folder and move all of the photos into that folder - then download the folder.  It will create a zip of the files and allow you to download them all at once.  


    Keep in mind that different tiers of box licensing grants sets maximum upload/download of file sizes.  If your overall file size it too big after you move the photos into that folder, then maybe you need to split the photos into two different folder - or three - etc.

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