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Choose folders to sync

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11 commentaires

  • jbyfordshrieve

    Hi  if you click on 'More Options' (looks like ...) 'More Actions' you will see the option to Sync that individual file. 

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  • jbyfordshrieve

     if you are happy with the answer don't forget to accept my solution, also have you considered Box Drive? I find it very user friendly and works seamlessly with windows

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  • rsizemore

    Where do I find the More Options in Box Sync?


    I will try Box Drive on that machine.

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  • BobFlynn-IU



    The ... menu is next to any individual file or folder. That is the "more options" menu. It doesn't say it unless you mouse over it. You can also just select a folder's row and click the "sync to desktop" option you will see in the right column on the Details tab.


    NOTE: You will only see the option to sync in the menu for folders. You cannot sync individual files.



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  • rsizemore

    Oh, you mean on the website, not the Windows application. That sets it for all syncing systems. I have multiple computers, and two of them I want all the files synced, but one computer I use just for classes and only want my class folder synced since the computer only has a measly 32GB of storage. Is there a way I can just set it for that one computer to sync that one folder?

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  • BobFlynn-IU



    Not currently. Box Sync is a hub-and-spoke model. It is centrally controlled. When "mark for offline" is added to to Box Drive in a few months, it will be endpoint driven and you will be able to sync different files to different devices.



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  • cheforsini

    When will this be ready?

    I have multiple devices and want to sync some folders on some devices and other folders on other devices.


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  • BobFlynn-IU



    Last I heard a beta is planned in the late winter (US).



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  • wilhelmina1



    When will Selective Sync by device be available on Box? It has been available on Dropbox for years and is a serious flaw for Box. I simply cannot sync the same folders on my personal and work computers due to space constraints, so Box is pretty much unusable for many of my folders. Does Box have a new ETA for this feature?


    Thank you!

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  • Daned

    Any update on this "mark for offline" feature in Box Drive?

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  • Howard

    Hey  and  and others,


    Box Drive and mark for offline is coming soon! You'll see the feature next week at the end of October!



    You'll have ability to mark for offline selected folders from your Box account on selected devices - all your files in your Box account will be accessible to view but won't be taking up space like Box Sync before!

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