Box Sync folder empty, but Storage space used at 95%
Hi there,
I'm new to BOX community, but I'm a BOX user from many many year.
I'm from Italy, so excuse me for my bad English.
Yesterday Box Sync inform me that I'm out of space.
My Box Sync local folder was 28Gb but on BOX web page I could read that I'm using 75Gb of my 50Gb space.
I've tried to empty my local and also my cloud folder. I've also empty my recycle bin but I'm still in the same situation.
Now with local and remote folder empty on bow webpage I read 44,5Gb used over 50gb.
Please help me to understand how to solve this problem.
Best Regards
Problem solved.
Box problem support just sent me this message:
"I apologize for the inconvenience. I'm going to run a script that will recount all of the files and how much storage is being used in your account. Sometimes Box caches previous file counts and storage amounts causing a data inconsistency. This is a known issue and is a long term project for our engineering team to tackle. Can you please let me know if you see updated file counts on your end?"
and now I've all my could space usable.
Thanks Box Support Team
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