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10 commentaires

  • Patrice Brillard

    I have the same issue on an iMac iMac (Retina 5K, 27 pouces, 2019) running Big Sur. I performed the upgrade over the week-end.


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  • France

    Hi Douglas and Patrice, 

    Welcome to the Box Community and thanks for sharing your use cases here!

    Our engineering team is aware of this situation and continuously working for a fix. 

    In the meantime, please go ahead and submit your ticket about this issue to our support channel and click "Contact Support" just above this page to get direct assistance from our support teammates.

    Appreciate all your patience and thanks for your understanding! 

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  • Alan Wong

    Same problem here. Wish Box can fix it soon and provide regular updates. Box should also warn users to hold off on upgrading to Big Sur.

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  • Box User

    I have the same issue on one Big Sur MacBook Pro, but not on my other Big Sur MacBook Pro, so that's baffling.

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  • Alan Wong

    Box, I totally understand that it takes time to fix something. But please see and learn from what HP Support does when it has a problem with macOS. Don't keep us in the dark. Thanks.

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  • Patrice Brillard

    My company has decided to move to Dropbox. They have managed to solve the issue. Box behavior with this issue is unacceptable. They behind in term of quality of service and CX!!!

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  • Chauncey Richardson

    We are seeing a similar issue on Big Sur the security check states the drive is not fully encrypted even though it is, any suggestions?

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  • David Berninger

    France, any update?

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  • Cesar Torres

    not sure if Box decided to give up on Big Sur and focus on Monterey OS instead...

    Currently, have a support ticket with them (3rd or 4th already).

    Keep getting the same thing:

    Could you please run the following Terminal command to troubleshoot? This command will attempt to load the Box Drive kext (no output will be displayed if it succeeds). If it does succeed, please allow the kext through System Preferences and reboot.

    sudo kmutil load -p /Library/Filesystems/box.fs/Contents/Extensions/11.0/osxfuse.kext/


    Then now it's the waiting game for a response.

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  • Devin Stoddard

    Clearly Box does not care about it's Mac users, otherwise this would be a top-priority fix. This is unacceptable. 

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