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Box Drive’s system Extension Failed to load

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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Michael, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Thanks for sharing your use case here. If you are continuously having issues running Box Drive on your computer, I would encourage that you open a support case with our Product Support team so they can help you investigate and resolve this issue with you.

    Please go ahead and submit a support ticket on this page: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

    Thanks for your participation in the Community!

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  • Thomas Grugle

    I click on the request new link and am brought to a page that says:

    Need Help?


    And nothing else.

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  • Andrew Kroiter

    A year later (from when this thread was created), I'm also on High Sierra on a 2011 MacBook Pro and this message has started occurring only in the last week. Box had been working properly until then.

    There's no entry for Box in System Preferences > Security & Privacy, not in any of the four tabs. I have restarted the computer multiple times, all to no avail. But then, without being able to enable the Box extension, I wasn't really expecting anything else.

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