Collaborator cannot save changes to email notification settings

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11 commentaires

  • France

    Hi Kate, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!
    This would be something our Box Support team would like to investigate with you and may require specific account information. 
    I've gone ahead and created a ticket for you so that an agent can work directly with you on looking into this. Please check your email for details.
    Thanks for your patience!
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  • David Harvey

    We are seeing this issue also, although not for all collaborators.  The original post was a month ago, has there been any resolution?

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  • Raymond Ng

    same here we have a number of external users who are getting this error. is there a resolution?

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  • CINO

    I would like to hear about a solution to this as well. My collaborator is sharing a folder with me, for which I'm interested in one subfolder. But there is an daily automated transfer to another subfolder and I'm getting flooded by notifications.

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  • Josh Renkow

    This is still a problem for our organization. Box Support, any movement on a solution here?

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  • Taylore Cronk

    We are having a similar issue with one user. Other users have the ability to save their account settings, but one has not been able to save the changes. Has there been a resolution for this?

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  • Raymond Ng

    this issue has continued to affect some of our users for the past year

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  • Phil Kohlmetz

    still a problem for me today. what gives?


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  • Karen Gratiano

    We are having this problem right now as well. We get the error message, but if we cancel and then come back to the notification settings the settings are saved.

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  • Raymond Ng

    still an ongoing problem for our company

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  • Matt Ruggles

    Same here. Is there a solution? If so, it would be good to post that solution here or let us know if we need to contact support. I need to have access to the files in a specific folder, but I do not need notifications about that folder. My colleagues use Box communications in that folder all day. In the past 2 days, I've had to manually delete 48 messages from Box Updates which don't apply to me at all. When I try to save my notification settings I get the same error as the OP, "Sorry, there was a problem saving the settings for this folder." Thanks. 

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