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How to Preview on MacOS - not working

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38 commentaires

  • John McKenzie

    > So I have to use Box Sync, and it does not automatically download files. 

    @ Box User (is there really no way to reply to a comment?: You can right click/control click on a file or folder and choose to synch it to the computer using one of the special Box menu commands there. This works to allow most image files, etc to preview (as well as all the other things you would expect from the file really being on your computer.) It does _not_ work for most Adobe Illustrator files, and some other file formats. But it is better than nothing.

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  • Klara Kiselman

    I also wanted to join this saying it is really problematic for me! My workflow is constantly interrupted as I very often scan trough power points, documents, images etc just looking for a small piece of information. Makes me wish my work did not use box but some other service....

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  • Sarah Page

    Yep same here. Commenting to help Box do the right thing and add this feature. 

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  • Andy Stephen Rich

    This is terrible. Fix this please. 

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  • Chris Vakalis

    I know this is an old thread, but was wondering if this issue has been addressed. I’m currently in the process of choosing a cloud service for a new job and really like Box (I find it easy to use). This is a key feature that I need (we work with photos and can’t rename hundreds of them just to know which one I need by file name), so if anyone has a solution to this please share!

    P. S. I can’t believe I can see previews of the files on file.app on iPad and not on Mac, and I’m pretty sure this isn’t a file provider issue (as Dropbox works fine)!

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  • Thomas Robinson

    I am on the most recent version of Box Drive (Version 2.37.142) and the only way the thumbnails display in preview is if you open them (so that they get cached locally). Otherwise it is just the preview icon, so basically this issue is still unresolved. 

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  • Heidi Springstube

    Still waiting on a fix for this, Graphic design world, this is not conducive to working efficiently at all. Three years from the original post, nobody can figure this out?!

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  • Thomas Robinson

    Just want to say a huge thank you to the Box dev team for putting this feature into action. So appreciated! 

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