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Shortcut from Folder A to Document in folder B

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3 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel

    Hi Bharat, 

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    You can save links of these folders/ files as a bookmark to easily access your files as well as the web-based content that you visit most often in Box Webapp. 

    Check out our article on Creating Bookmarks for details: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043695534-Creating-Bookmarks

    Thanks for your participation in the community!

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  • Bharat Gudu

    Thank you France. In that case, would not the book mark marks and most visit documents will be only local to me (the person doing these things) and would be available for other folks. 

    anyway, if it is not there as a feature then we can leave this thread there. Thanks. 

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  • Alyssa A Nelson

    Hi. I also need a 'shortcuts' feature for collaborative use. What's described in the initial suggestion/request already exists in other apps like Google Drive. We use it all the time-- many many use cases.

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