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3 commentaires

  • France

    Hi David,

    Welcome to the Box Community!

    Does your organization own the deleted file? 

    Box stores files and folders you place in the trash for a certain period of time. That default period is 30 days, although Box administrators of business and enterprise accounts can shorten or lengthen it. While items are in your Box trash, you can recover and restore them to their original locations in your Box account. 

    If you want to use the "Content Manager" to retrieve a deleted file owned by one of your users, have to expand the user's name in the "Content Manager" so instead of clicking their name, you have to click the arrow pointing to the user's name to expand it to see the "Trash" option.

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  • David Cassard

    Thank you for this, but the file was deleted by an external user.  I cannot find the file within Content Manager.  I did a full search of it.

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  • France

    Hi David, 

    Hope you are having an awesome day!

    If the file to be retrieved is owned by an external user, its expected that you won't be able to look it up via your the "Content Manager".

    Using content manager,  you can only manage your "internal or managed users' contents. Looks like you will need to coordinate with the owner of that missing file about restoring the file from her trash.

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